About Art, Women, and Awakening… and about the Permanence of Self-Re-Invention
A conversation with Lisa Faye Hames, founder of the Luxembourg-based Muka Collective. A collective that works in partnership, curating + co-creating with female artists whilst supporting women-focused initiatives and NGOs.
Can artists and corporations collaborate conceptually for a more sustainable world?
Art and business, two seemingly disconnected areas for many people, can actually be in alignment for common goals in tackling global challenges.
On air with the Lisa Burke Show
In conversation with Lisa Burke about Artivism and The Art of Change
Women filmmakers - New winds, new screens, and the Hollywood Academy Awards 2021
"The important thing is the quality of the films, not who directs them", or so they say... And in an ideal world, we would agree: cinema is one of the most powerful tools to represent who we are, who we were, who we will be. The problem is that this representation is not egalitarian…
Be yourself!
The notion of identity is a complex one. And we discussed it extensively as we were crafting our Charlotte In Red platform. Indeed, allowing female artists to present themselves and their process of creation, free from any preconceptions, especially gender related ones, is at the core of our vision and mission.